Based on 2024 SC CDL manual

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Official SC Passenger Vehicles: What to Expect
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South Carolina Commercial Driver's License
South Carolina Commercial Driver's License

Ready to pass your passenger vehicles endorsement test? Taking our free South Carolina CDL Passenger Vehicles Practice Test is a great way to ensure that you are. Earning a passenger vehicles endorsement will allow you to begin transporting passengers, such as on a bus or farm labor vehicle or general public paratransit vehicle. To get you prepared to pass, our practice test contains 20 multiple choice questions similar to these: near what should you never allow passengers to stand? When stopping for railroad tracks, you must stop no closer than how many feet before the nearest track? Test questions cover how to deal with passengers, how to drive safely, how to back up and turn and much more.

Every time you answer a question, you’ll get immediate feedback with a detailed explanation, so you won’t need to wait until the end of the test to know the correct answers. You need to get at least 16 questions right to pass. However, you can take this test an unlimited number of times. The questions all come from the South Carolina CDL Handbook, which is also the resource that is used to generate the real passenger vehicles endorsement exam. Ready to develop more confidence in your knowledge of traffic rules and safe passenger vehicle operation? Take our practice test to test your understanding of the traffic laws in your state and to get a sneak preview of what the actual written CDL exam will look like. This test will help you determine if you’re ready for the written exam. Take it now to see.