Based on 2024 RI CDL manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official RI Combination Vehicles: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Rhode Island Commercial Driver's License
Rhode Island Commercial Driver's License

Are you feeling confident about your combination vehicles knowledge? Find out if you are ready to pass your endorsement test by taking our free Rhode Island CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test. Our experts have scoured the Rhode Island CDL Handbook and written 20 questions which they believe are an accurate representation of what will be on the real endorsement exam. When you pass that test you will earn your combination vehicles endorsement and be eligible to drive combination vehicles like double-wides and triple-wides and other large trucks. You need to answer at least 80% of our questions correctly to pass. Here are a couple of sample questions to give you an idea of what our practice test is like: which part of the kingpin should the locking jaws close around? When should you use the hand valve to park a combination vehicle?

To drive a combination vehicle that pulls any kind of trailer you need this endorsement, which means passing this exam is very important for your career prospects. Don’t go into the DMV unprepared, let us give you a highly accurate preview of what to expect on test day. Our practice exam is similar in content and format to the real test, in fact there’s a good chance that you will see many of the questions from our test on the real test. We feel there is no better way to prepare for the actual combination vehicles exam. So start practicing now. Take our practice test.