Based on 2024 OK CDL manual

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Official OK Passenger Vehicles: What to Expect
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Oklahoma Commercial Driver's License
Oklahoma Commercial Driver's License

Striving to get your “P” endorsement? Our experts have carefully crafted this Free Oklahoma CDL Passenger Vehicles Practice Test to help you prepare. To drive a bus you need to earn a passenger vehicles endorsement – and we want to help you reach that career goal. Our practice test features 20 questions which our experts have carefully written based on the content of the Oklahoma CDL Handbook. That handbook is also used to generate the real endorsement test. These practice questions will test your knowledge and help you learn the content our experts believe will be on the real test when you visit the DMV. The questions cover dealing with passengers, loading and unloading, safe driving techniques, inspection tips and more. Here are two sample questions: what three types of emergency equipment must you have on a bus? What is a clue that another driver is impaired?

You need to answer at least 16 of the questions correctly to pass but you can take the test as many times as necessary to ensure you learn the content and are confident you can pass the real endorsement test. That’s why if it is your goal to drive a passenger vehicle, taking this practice test is a big first step. Also, when taking our test don’t forget to read the answer explanations as these can help you improve your knowledge dramatically. OK, it’s time to get started. Take our practice test now and begin your quest to earn your passenger vehicles endorsement the right way.