Based on 2024 MD CDL manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official MD Passenger Vehicles: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Maryland Commercial Driver's License
Maryland Commercial Driver's License

Did you know, if one of the glad hands on your blue airline is missing a seal it could result in an airline leak? If you didn’t know that, you may need to study more prior to the CDL passenger vehicles endorsement exam. We can help you prepare for the big day with our Free Maryland CDL Passenger Vehicles Practice Test! Our test has 20 multiple-choice questions that could potentially show up on the real ex. We require a score of 80% or above to pass the test. We give you feedback for each answer so that you can study and earn from your mistakes.

All of our questions were created using the official Maryland CDL Handbook to guarantee that we give you the most accurate information. If you want extra help before the big exam, take our Free Maryland CDL Passenger Vehicles Practice Test today!