Based on 2024 MD CDL manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official MD General Knowledge: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Maryland Commercial Driver's License
Maryland Commercial Driver's License

Don’t let the CDL test come between you and your dreams of earning your CDL. Our Maryland General Knowledge Practice Test 3 is the ideal study aid if you are looking to get a feel for the concepts and subject matter found on the real exam. Like the real exam, this invaluable practice test is based on information found in the official Maryland CDL manual, offering the ultimate in test preparation.

Navigating the nation’s highways and roads demand a thorough understanding of key concepts such as safe vehicle operation, meticulous vehicle inspection, and the ramifications of alcohol while driving. And when you factor in topics like transporting cargo safely and the ins and outs of air brakes, you realize how comprehensive your knowledge base needs to be.

You can expect questions like,

“In Maryland, what is the permissible blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for a commercial vehicle driver?”

“Why is ensuring the security of cargo pivotal during transit?”.

With a compilation of 50 challenging questions designed to mimic the actual CDL examination, our practice test is carefully crafted to give you the most relevant and up to date material available. But the true magic lies in the detailed explanations provided with each question. You get instant feedback to keep you on the right path, and the freedom to take the test as many times as needed until you get the score you desire. Quickly gauge your performance at a glance using our handling progress tracker as you move through the quiz.

With a CDL in Maryland, you’re not just a truck driver. You’re the backbone of countless industries relying on timely deliveries, a prospective traveler covering miles from the serene Chesapeake Bay to the bustling heart of Baltimore, and a professional with a marked potential for higher earnings. This license isn’t merely a document; it’s a reflection of skill, discipline, and dedication.

For all Maryland residents eyeing a future in commercial driving, this is your moment. Dive into our practice test, sharpen your knowledge, and approach the CDL exam with the assurance of success.