Based on 2024 LA CDL manual

Mistakes allowed
Passing score
Official LA Combination Vehicles: What to Expect
Total number of questions

Number of questions required to pass

Percentage required to pass

Louisiana Commercial Driver's License
Louisiana Commercial Driver's License

Which part of the kingpin should the locking jaws close around? Do you know the answer, or do you need some extra time to study? If you plan on passing the CDL combination vehicles endorsement test, you need to be able to correctly answer this question and others like it. We can help you try out your knowledge with a Free Louisiana CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test! The 20-question test asks questions about vehicle components, driver safety, and Louisiana state traffic laws. As a resource, we used the official Louisiana CDL Handbook to create all of our questions and accompanying descriptions.

Our test requires a passing score of 80%. If you pass our test, you will be one step closer to passing the real thing! Don’t spend your money and register for the DMV version until you can pass our Free Louisiana CDL Combination Vehicles Practice Test!